30 January, 2007

People More Interesting Than Myself

Added David Hewlett's blog to the feeds here. Good stuff. I tried adding his sister Kate, whose blog I adore, but none of the dates come up as links. So I don't know what to do. For now I'll just add a simple link to ther main page. How's that?

Wine and Spirits

New fiction!

This one is set in the D&D world of Brez, my family's ongoing campaign setting. The characters and situations in this short piece are all mine, though.


29 January, 2007

Bloggin' Away

I'm still unsure why I'm setting up this blog. I go through phases, and I guess this is the upswing of another blogging one. But that's okay. So far I've kept it all manageable, and I intend to keep it that way. I've gotten rid of the extraneous jfemmer.com blog, and replaced it with a direct feed from my livejournal. Just to be redundant, I've added that same feed to this blog. Just so you can keep track. I tried adding the elvenwolf.com feed to this, but since that uploads directly to my server, I couldn't figure out how to do that. Maybe there's a way, maybe there isn't.

So what do I do on Blogger? Mostly comment to David Nykl's posts. Which reminds me, I should link to it. He's a rather amusing man, and I remember meeting him fondly. So I like to keep track of his musings, even if I'm always late to his 'where in the world' posts. Someone always figures it out before I even see the post. Such is life.

I don't know that I'll publicise this post much, but who knows? For now I think it's serving the purpose of centralising my other blogs/sites/etc. so maybe that'll be its purpose. For now, I have muses to entertain. Toodles!

27 January, 2007

Good Afternoon, Fellow 'Lantians

What will this blog ultimately contain? Nobody knows. *cue Twilight Zone music*

For now, cut your teeth on some original fiction.